Tag Archives: With an Eye on the Future; Development and Mission in the 21st. Century

Leadership IsServant Leadership #243

Laurie KennedyServant Leadership is different, based on values, character and integrity with roots in Christ’s teaching.

Servant Leadership is “Diametrically opposed to the typically secular, top down, Manager as control, model of organizations.” (With an Eye on the Future; Development and Mission in the 21st. Century, Elmer and McKinney)

“Servant Leadership is not worldly leadership with the rough edges knocked off and a dollop of good will toward others layered on. It’s something fundamentally different in both internal origin and external motivation and process.” (Dr. Guy Saffold, Trinity Western University)

Servant Leadership turns the power and control motivated organizational chart upside down, inside out and builds a team of equals. Servant Leadership is based on a different set of values than other leadership styles. In the traditional organization, power, authority and salary are loosely tied to the number of employees supervised. In Servant Leadership, the value is “not the number of one’s servants but the number of whom one serves.” (J. D. Lundy, Servant Leadership for Slow Learners)

Servant Leadership is value based and follows Christ’s example by putting others first. The challenge is to re-learn, re-focus and work to change our style of leading. The power and control method doesn’t encourage long-term change, individual growth or caring relationships. The ‘me first’ or ‘do it my way’ philosophy doesn’t build value and character into those individuals we work with. It is only as we learn to live and demonstrate God’s love through service that others will be impacted to accomplish the vision of our organization and Gods long-term plan.

Christ put it like this, The greatest among you will be your servant.  For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. (Matthew 23:11-12 NIV)

What can you do today to add value to those individuals within your sphere of influence?

Leadership is … demonstrating God’s love by adding value to someone’s life.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group